Are You A Good Neighbor?

At Bennett Properties we pride ourselves on having good communication between units at our buildings. But these days it can be easy to have some missteps with your neighbors. This article helps to break down some common niceties you could be aware of when you live close to another household.

How to Be a Good Neighbor


With the advent of social media and the persistent idea of finding “your tribe,” it may seem like making an effort to meet your neighbors is an outmoded waste of time. But neighbors fulfill a unique role in our social circles, particularly if you live in a close-knit area like an apartment building. As noted by Psychology Today, decades of research have shown that neighbors are a lynchpin in our sense of community. And a 2015 study published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B found relationships with neighbors to be “especially important for more developmental aspects of psychological well-being.”

So, why is this particularly important for apartment dwellers? In the U.S., nearly 35% of all households are living in rental properties (via iPropertyManagement). And with so many people housed in such close proximity, life in an apartment complex can easily be made or broken by your neighbors. But, of course, this is a two-way street: if you want other residents to be considerate, you should make sure your own habits are up to par. So, here’s how to be a good neighbor when living in an apartment.

1. Get to know your neighbors

2. Attend neighborhood events

3. Be mindful of quiet hours

4. Return favors

5. Be respectful of shared areas and amenities

Read the full article here: How To Be A Good Neighbor When You Live In An Apartment Building (

Bennett Property Management

With commercial and residential properties in the South Seattle area, our business provides affordable and approachable lease terms for those who desire a more involved community of small business and neighbors who know one another.