What to do with extra waste?

Sometimes you have more, sometimes you have less. Sometimes you have what’s considered “hazardous waste.” But what do you do with it all?!

The city of Seattle has waste programs you may not know about! So we are giving you some hot tips for those times when you need to dispose of out of the norm items.

Additional charges: Any garbage that overflows from your container will incur “over filled bin” fees from the provider. Avoid overfilling the bin by sorting your waste as best you can at all times. All compostables and recycling should be taken out of your trash. No trash items can be present in your compost or recycling- this is also something that incurs fees.

Oversized Items: If you have oversized items you either need to haul them directly to the dump, or coordinate an extra pickup with the waste services. They will quote the price for your larger item ahead of pick up.

Some oversized items, such as mattresses, large furniture, appliances, or electronics can be scheduled for pick up here

Hazardous Waste: If you have motor oil, used batteries, household cleaners, or any other questionable trash- you will need to drop these items off to the Household Hazardous site in South Park. A new service that the city has adopted is the “Wastemobile.” They will take automobile batteries, regular batteries, cleaners, fluorescent lights, gas, motor oil, antifreeze, mercury products, oil based paint, paint thinner, solvents, pesticides, propane tanks and more! Check online for their schedule and locations.


For more information visit the city’s website and look into other programs!




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Bennett Property Management

With commercial and residential properties in the South Seattle area, our business provides affordable and approachable lease terms for those who desire a more involved community of small business and neighbors who know one another.